Jamalife helper global is changing life with just 2k/$5
Jamalife Helpers Global is an online cum offline network marketing organization and was born out of the need to build up people financially all across the globe to the point of experiencing high quality life in all areas of living. The founding members are all networkers who have experienced different kinds of connections all over the world. We have a combined business experience of over 60 years. Together we believe we can bring a change to the quality of life of our partners... Stage 1 Builder 2×2 = $3 (N1200) 1. Level 2 × $0.5 = $1 (N400) 2. Level 4 × $0.5 = $2 (N800) Total payout = $3 (N1200) Stage 2 -Sapphire 2×3 matrix = $1.5 (N600) each 1.Level 2 × $1.5 = $3 (N1200) 2. Level 4 × $1.5 = $6 (N2400) 3. Level 8 × $1.5 = $12 (N4800) Total payout = $21 (N8400) Stage 3 – Rubby 2×3 = $10 (N4000) each 1. Level 2 × $10 = $20 (N8000) 2. Level 4 × $10 = $40 (N16000) 3. Level 8 × $10 = $80 (N32000) Total payout = $140 (N56000) Stage 4 – Emerald 2×3 = $55 (N22000) each 1. Level 2 × $55...